
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Years ago when I first began to study the Bible I had absolutely no idea where to start. It wasn't like I'd never heard of anything of that nature, I had grown up in the church after all. 

The feeling I had about anything connected to the Bible was more along the lines of duty or a discipline though up to that point in my life. There was nothing rather delightful about the opening of the pages of scripture for me until one day when I needed it. 

Its funny how you can miss what's right in front of your eyes until you are forced to actually see.


There's a passage in Matthew chapter seven that speaks to the resources God has given us. Jesus is speaking about prayer in this passage and He says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." 

This passage has been used by well meaning but misguided teachers to promote material gain and prosperity. But the truthful meaning is so much more beautiful. The Lord is asking us to seek Him here. His wisdom, His direction. If we're ever going to have our Lords spiritual blessings, we must persist in asking. We must keep knocking at the door. 

The resources had been there all along but I wasn't knocking or seeking. I wasn't asking. Until one day suddenly, I was


If you back up two chapters from the asking and seeking passage in Matthew you'll find Jesus's promise to bless those that hunger and thirst after righteousness. He promises to satisfy them. 

When life got hard I began to ask, seek and knock. The resources that had been available to me all along suddenly aligned with the desire in my heart and I began a pursuit. Just like He promised He would do, He began to satisfy. 

The method has evolved over the years but the pursuit is still the same. I basically pursue until I'm satisfied. And then I get up the next day and do it all again. 

Because, life. 

And also because I don't know about you but I have learned over the years I have a pretty big cup to fill. And that cup seems rather empty and drains everyone else around me too if not filled with the right things. THE right thing, which is the only thing that ever can or will satisfy the human heart. 


Last night we abandoned all sane thinking and took the kids to see a late movie. Naturally this morning I rolled over tired and debated staying in bed. But the hunger. It was just there so strong. It's not always that felt, but today for whatever reason, it was. 

I carried my bible into the living room, flipped on a lamp and found my passage of study for the morning, Hebrews 4. I underlined verse 12.  "For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

Because my coffee hadn't quite sunk in just yet I didn't immediately make a connection. I studied that verse and just thought about how the Word exposes our hearts and enables us to meet our Savior in its pages. But then after a few minutes I remembered how I had sleepily considered laying in the bed that morning and been prompted to get out of it because of the verse of the day on the Youversion app.

What verse was that you ask? Hebrews 4:12. Of course it was.


Listen, here's the deal. I know that you don't always get the aha moments and sometimes we go to God's word and leave not really feeling anything and that is ok. Feelings are not necessary. Truth triumphs feelings all day, every day.

But sometimes?

Well sometimes God just moves among the pages JUST LIKE THIS SCRIPTURE STATES and He just comes alive. And when He does there is nothing, absolutely nothing in all of this world that can make you doubt just how real and alive and beautiful and Holy He truly is.

There is something so deeply satisfying about realizing were KNOWN by the one who formed us and made us in His image. The one who hung the stars in the sky and numbered the hairs on our head loves us so much that He is interested in and invested in the happenings of our every day. 

So why would we not go to His word and invite Him in?! Sure, it can be a little time consuming and sometimes yes it does feel more like discipline than anything.

But "Blessed are those who delight in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night." Psalm 1:2

There is nothing quite like the blessing of meeting Him in the pages and discovering all of the things He has to say to you through the scriptures. He sees you. He KNOWS you. He wants to reveal Himself to you. He is worth seeking. He is the prize. 

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